$ 0 0 I'm not the fashion bloggerMy closet consists of different colored tees, 3 pairs of shoes and a couple scarves.I'm not the super mom bloggerI'm just a mom who loves her kid very much and I'm tryin' to figure out how to raise a great man.I'm not the single, in college bloggerI'm 31, I've yet to take a college course.I'm not the newlywed bloggerI'm not even the married blogger. I have nothing to say at this point in life on the subject of marriage.I'm not the diy bloggerI don't remember the last time I've had extra cash to actually do a diy project.I'm not the list maker bloggerI don't have your top ten must have, do's or be for any specific topic.I'm not the travel bloggerI've hardly been out of my home state of California.But what I am is,an imperfect woman,with a story that becomes new each day.I woman who makes mistakes, laughs, loves, enjoys and struggles.I live, I learnand this is why I AM a blogger. Joining these link ups