I first talked briefly on my thoughts on the upcoming season of fall in this post. As I knew Fall was approaching, I was excited {like the rest of the world} but my heart was also a little really uneasy thinking about the approach of this season. Why? Because fall has always been my favorite time with my family, including that husband I used to have. Fall is more than the cute boots and scarves I get to wear....It was a time to spend extra time together because it was too chilly to go outside. It was a time I'd try to make more comfort and yummy foods that would make my husband's tummy happy. It was the time we'd all snuggle up as a family and drink warm beverages, eat warm treats and watch movies together. It was an extreme time of togetherness in my eyes. My favorite! Knowing that this year I was going to be without a big piece of what used to make these memories, my heart felt a bit empty.
What would this fall be like without him?
I have my moments as you've all kinda seen where our divorce and being without him really gets to me. But so far I am so happy to report that, I feel really full and blessed so far in this season. Lacking nothing! {Thank you GOD!}
Fall officially started for me when I got my new winter boots in the mail {remember I showed them to you on instagram?} That in itself was enough to brighten my day! Jay and I then officially started ourFall season together recently as we did the whole family barn, pumpkin patch thing...this year we did it with new friends and you know what, it was awesome! We've done our first Halloween movie, carved pumpkins, trick or treated, and baked our first round of pumpkin bread!
Is it different this year? Yeah, for sure...but at this moment, different isn't equaling bad or empty.
Different is simply different.
Soooo, thankfully I've made a really good choice over the last few weeks. You wanna know what it is? God...yep I chose him. I've chosen to pursue him. I've chosen to give him all of me. I've chosen to stop turning away from him and instead to run to him. I've chosen to go to him first when I'm hurting...to let him fill me, complete me...to let him put me back together and show me where my focus should be...
Because of this my life feels really different! Perfect, ummm NO...but blessed and full :)
He is good!