If we're not sharing it, if we're just keeping it private.......why are we experiencing it?
~American Blogger
That quote up there....it's so simple yet so beautiful and deep in my eyes. That quote stirs me, inspires me, reminds me.
Let's let our experiences not be in vain.
Let's let our life, and our stories serve a purpose that is not just for us.
Let's magnify the power and capability our experiences hold...by sharing them with others.
Let's make our lives and experiences a currency that we share with one another...let them become our offerings to one another.
Let's open the pages on our life stories and let others read them. Let's let those pages we've lived serve as pillars of hope and encouragement that others can cling to. Let's give our stories so that others know they're not alone. Let's give them so we may connect deeply with others, and they with us.
Let's feel fully, let's process fully, and the let's share fully.
This life is best lived...when it's lived together.